Fête 24 sept. 06, 22:00 - 22:00 · Indoor · bangkok, Thaïlande Line-up: dj Goa Gummy (Psyhead, Bkk.TH) dj Nu Aka Psyatmah (OOZE/TH)Info: psyberoptics is a newly formed site under the concpts "every thing is connected by fiber optics" so we why not we psychedelic people are connected by psyberoptics. As we lknow that psychedel…Lieu: cafe democ is located at rach dum nern road, bangkok thailan… Passé 18a 4m · 1 571 · Inscrit par psyAtmah Photos0 People DANCE OR DIE bangkok · Thaïlande dim., 24 sept. 06, 22:00 - 22:00= maintenantIndoor · Passé 18a 4m