Fête 10 - 12 avr. 15 · Indoor · Banska Štiavnica-Pocuvadlo lake, Slovaquie Line-up: Once more warmly invite you to a journey through a fairytale land rich in tales and legends. At the base of lofty Mountaint Sitno, only 8km from a historic UNESCO mining town, the fourth installmen…Info: Once more warmly invite you to a journey through a fairytale land rich in tales and legends. At the base of lofty Mountaint Sitno, only 8km from a historic UNESCO mining town, the fourth installmen…Lieu: Spring indoor festival in beautiful country Slovakia nearby… Passé 9a 10m · 1 911 · Inscrit par psyalaska tribe-slovakia Photos0 People CRYSTAL CODE to magic forest vol.4 Banska Štiavnica-Pocuvadlo… · Slovaquie · Carte ven., 10 avr. 15, 22:00 - dim., 12 avr., 12:00= 1j 14hIndoor · Passé 9a 10m