Fête 5 - 6 oct. 07 · Indoor · Innsbruck, Autriche / 6 Line-up: PARA HALU (zaikadelic/psylife records/parvati records) - HU Para Halu project started in 2002 and since then became one of the most popular and entertaining deep psychedelic projects on this planet. T…Vivius (Blasius Buam) - A Cinara (Crazy Goblins) - A Bike Accident (Crazy Goblins) - A Daksha (Cybernetic) vs.MuTaRo (ALICE-D / SKITZOPHRENIK LIFEFORM REC. ) -DLieu: Club/Hafen Passé 17a 4m · 3 423 · Inscrit par aom Photos0 People CRAZY GOBLINS presents PARA HALU Innsbruck · Autriche ven., 5 oct. 07, 22:00 - sam., 6 oct., 08:00= 10hIndoor · / 6 · Passé 17a 4m