Fête 7 - 8 nov. 08 · Indoor · Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni Line-up: Flow (Planet monkey / Portugal) Dark el kante (Random / Spain) DiscoOrdination (Planet monkey / UK) Tzolkin (Timelord 2012/ UK) Rowan (Psyloco / UK)Info: Montly club the first Friday of the month with international live acts, resident dj's, live percussion, playful performers, face painting, drink promos and free cd's P.L.U.R.Lieu: Studio 24, 26-26 Calton road Passé 16a 4m · 1 194 · Inscrit par Dark el kante Photos0 People Cosmic Edinburgh · Royaume-Uni ven., 7 nov. 08, 22:30 - sam., 8 nov., 03:00= 4h 30minIndoor · Passé 16a 4m