Fête 25 - 26 mars 11 · Indoor · Salzburg, Autriche / 1 Line-up: <<MAINACT>> JUGGLER (Crystal Matrix/Utopia) - Portugal <<LIVE>> TIEFENRAUSCH (Mindfuck/Progressive-Selection/FenFire Rec.) - LinzSODOM ( Syntax Sense ) ASTRALEX ( twenty4seven ) GENESIS ( Break the mold ) DEREGULATION ( Break the mold ) 22:00 - 23:30 TIEFENRAUSCH 23:30 - 01:00 SODOM vs. GENESIS 01:00 - 02:00 JUGGLER 02:00 - 03:…Info: BIG TIME for connected:) We will rock your brain with a variation of the best sounds from the local Dj`s and an international act from PORTUGAL. Come and join us on the higher frequencies:)Lieu: Rockhouse Bar Passé 13a 11m · 1 582 · Inscrit par dome Photos0 People CONNECTED (Salzburg) Salzburg · Autriche ven., 25 mars 11, 22:00 - sam., 26 mars, 04:00= 6hIndoor · / 1 · Passé 13a 11m