Fête 19 - 20 déc. 09 · Indoor · Budapest, Hongrie Line-up: Kalmykova SWA (RUS)Buddhasmile live, dj setInfo: Tatyana Kalmykova –vocalist, composer, student of the well known master and teacher of folklore, the founder and the head of ensemble of a folk music Dmitry Pokrovsky. Studying tradition, I visited nu…Lieu: Cökxpôn Café Theater H-1095. Bp. Soroksári út 8-10. (Boráros… Passé 15a 2m · 1 105 · Inscrit par Pupilla Photos0 People Cökxpôn Ambient Festival: Kalmykova SWA (RUS) Budapest · Hongrie sam., 19 déc. 09, 21:00 - dim., 20 déc., 04:00= 7hIndoor · Passé 15a 2m