Fête 24 - 25 déc. 16 · Indoor · emilia, Italie Line-up: VIRTUAL G.O. & BIBA REC. & FIRENDS We also arrived at Christmas. a super party will in the name of Christmas. so be prepared. and expect this super event ▲ HE IS PLEASED TO PRESENT ▲ ▲…Info: 2 sale 1 tekno una goa Passé 8a 2m · 828 · Inscrit par DJ LAMINIM(er pinocore!!) Photos0 People ॐ ChRyStmAs HoRrOr ॐ emilia · Italie · Carte sam., 24 déc. 16, 22:00 - dim., 25 déc., 07:00= 9hIndoor · Passé 8a 2m