Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membres Fête 18 - 19 juin 11 · Open Air · Flasou (Molos) Nicosia, Chypre Line-up: Dymons The Light Shifter Crystal MonkeyHari Sama Johnny Blue Elastic Vision Johnny Blue meets Violina (blend of down tempo & upbeat grooves with a touch of live violin)Info: ChakradeliC is back after the rain season for a unique outdoor festival in Flasou Village which is located in the Solea Valley 2km north of Evrychou. The event will take place at the recently renovate…Lieu: Flasou Village is located in the Solea Valley 2km north of E… Passé 13a 8m · 2 469 · Inscrit par Johnny Blue Photos0 People ChakradeliC Summer Solstice Festival Flasou (Molos) Nicosia · Chypre sam., 18 juin 11, 19:00 - dim., 19 juin, 09:00= 14hOpen Air · Passé 13a 8m