Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membresFête 5 - 6 mai 17 · Indoor · Kranj, Slovénie Line-up: LIVE: ---WHRIKK (NL)--- +Supporting Bombers+ - NiBiRu - (Dancing Dragon/Chagadelia) - Skokni Pa Lokni - (Forestdelic) - Kin Olaart - (Independent) ++++Others to be announced soonly!++++Info: WHRIKK BIO: So,.. what is all this you ask? Who is this cat, man.. Why is he doing this. Well. The answer is simple. I enjoy making things allot. Be it music or visual stimuli. Can’t get enough…What i…Lieu: TrainStation SubArt Kolodvorska cesta 8 4000 Kranj Passé 7a 6m · 414 · Inscrit par NiBiRu Photos0 People Chagadelia presents: WHRIKK - live! (NL) Kranj · Slovénie ven., 5 mai 17, 22:00 - sam., 6 mai, 06:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 7a 6m