Fête 4 - 5 oct. 08 · Indoor · hasselt grenslandhallen, Belgique / 7 Line-up: LIVE IN CONCERT: INFECTED MUSHROOM 1.5 HOUR LIVE SET + 1 HOUR OLDSKOOL DJ SET!!! (allmost never done !! 2.5 hour long, exclusief set for 5 years B2B) LIVE: HALLUCINOGEN (Twisted records.UK) SPHONGLE DJ…JOHN 00 FLEMING (JooF records/Hommega.UK) FIRAGA (B2B/Phonokol rec.BE) ORION (B2B)Info: for the 5 years celebration of B2B productions we present you a night of psychedelic trance B2B productions started filling the dance floors with psytrance vibes back in September 2003. It wasn't long…Lieu: hreally great and large room..hal 4, space for 5000 people s… Passé 16a 4m · 12 523 · Inscrit par firaga Photos0 People B2B presents:INFECTED MUSHROOM,HALLUCINOGEN,SPHONGLE,JOOF hasselt grenslandhallen · Belgique sam., 4 oct. 08, 22:00 - dim., 5 oct., 09:00= 11hIndoor · / 7 · Passé 16a 4m