Fête 30 avr. - 1 mai 05 · Open Air · Sibiu/Herrmannstadt / Beyound the Forest, Roumanie Line-up: AtmaDreamtime Artists Atma R´Tur Styx Dreamtime Enhancer Lugos Penta Pan ProToysInfo: B E L T A I N E (April 30-May 1) also known as: Mayday, Walburga, Galan Mai, Shenn da Boaldyn, Bealtinne, Beltine, Beltain, Beal-tine, Beltan, Bel-tien, Beltein, Bealtuinn and Bealtaine The Land repre…Lieu: a hill beetween sibiu/herrmannstadt and cisnädioara! more in… Passé 19a 10m · 1 338 · Inscrit par Dreamtime Enhancer Photos0 People B E L T A I N E - The Celebration of the Union Sibiu/Herrmannstadt / Beyou… · Roumanie sam., 30 avr. 05, 22:00 - dim., 1 mai, 12:00= 14hOpen Air · Passé 19a 10m