Fête 14 - 15 avr. 12 · Open Air · Cusco, Pérou Line-up: Exponential -UK Freak Radical - Canada Glych - Hungary. Zyska - Switzerland Nasra - Suecia Wanka uanka Newalji Luis Mascaro more to be anunce..Info: . Location @ tambomachay, cusco . free transport for the party ( one way) from cusco the festival. departure on 14th april at 7pm to 11pm. transport to the festival: departure 7pm to 11 pm. ( hosta…Lieu: @ Tambomachay, cusco ( 10 km from cusco). Venue are in the a… Passé 12a 10m · 4 282 · Inscrit par raveology Photos0 People AYAHUASCA TRANCE FESTIVAL Cusco · Pérou sam., 14 avr. 12, 23:30 - dim., 15 avr., 14:00= 14h 30minOpen Air · Passé 12a 10m