Fête 14 - 15 juin 02 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Pays-Bas Line-up: Psychedelic Sceneries and Mind Funk present the release of Creation v/a by Psyforce Productions. TRANCE (live): Kluster - Digital Psionics (swe) Chromosome - Psyforce, Spiral Trax (swe) Sensphere - P…TRANCE (dj's): Berre - Psyforce Productions (swe) Shawnodese - Mind Funk (nl) Jaimz - Saikosounds (oz) Shakticat (it) Satyr (nl) TECHNO (dj's): Viris - MDMA (nl) Strelac - MDMA (nl) Rob the Rich - MDM…Info: Afterparty: There will be a free outdoor afterparty on walkable distance from the AMP studios. It starts when music stops at Amp. Directions to the afterparty will be handed out on the party. The afte…Lieu: AMP studios, KNSMlaan 13 Amsterdam Passé 22a 8m · 437 · Inscrit par floris Photos0 People As Above, So Below Amsterdam · Pays-Bas ven., 14 juin 02, 22:00 - sam., 15 juin, 12:30= 14h 30minIndoor · Passé 22a 8m