Fête 7 - 8 avr. 12 · In- & Outdoor · Nord-Est, Italie Line-up: PSYZANCA (Goa Sound Project/Fish'n Trips Records) Psyzanca is Michele Zancato, a psytrance producer from Padua, Italy. Psyzanca’s debut releases were his two tracks “Unreal Reality” and “Copyright…FROM SWISS : GOTAMA (Free Lance) I began to get interested in the nineties to the phenomenon of electronic music and had already chosen the name of Gotama, from the book by Hermann Hesse. At the begi…Info: ==== Please: ==== NO PUSHER NO DRUGS and RESPECT FOR ALL!! OnLy GoOd ViBeS aNd PsYtRaNcE pArTy EnJoy !!! === .Lieu: TACU TACU Music Zone - Via Galileo Galilei 40 - Mestrino (PA… Passé 12a 11m · 2 402 · Inscrit par GoA SounD Project ॐ Photos0 People ANIMA MUNDI - TRANCE PARTY Nord-Est · Italie sam., 7 avr. 12, 21:30 - dim., 8 avr., 07:00= 9h 30minIn- & Outdoor · Passé 12a 11m