Fête 15 - 16 avr. 06 · Club · Athens, Grèce Line-up: 23.30 - 1.30 : PS vs POET 1.30 - 3.30 : PSYTOUR (femina mandragora, vertigo recs) 3.30 - 5:30 : CLAW (temple twisters recs) 5.30 - 7.00 : JIM (alcoholiday)Info: we would like to inform u that we will have our friend and great artist CLAW athens. saturday 15 april 2006. the party will take place in a small club of athens. so we cannot have flyers, promotion… Passé 18a 10m · 1 379 · Inscrit par PsyTouR Photos0 People AlcoHoliday presents CLAW at Athens 15-4-2006 Athens · Grèce sam., 15 avr. 06, 23:30 - dim., 16 avr., 07:30= 8hClub · Passé 18a 10m