Hop là ! Tu as consulté une page qui n'est accessible qu'aux membres.Ici, tu peux accéder à Connexion des membresFête 21 - 22 nov. 08 · In- & Outdoor · Dublin, Irlande Line-up: SHANE GOBI (Alchemy Records / UK) MANDALA GROOVE (Neutronyx / Spain & Portugal)HEXSTATIC DUB PISTOLS CORRUGATED TUNELL INDO PHUNGE STRING LECTROSOUL and more...Geoff Fitzpatrick Icarus (Meath / Ireland) Zefer (Neutronyx / Spain) Danny Alonso New Secret Weapon Dj Stu (Breakology / Ireland) Dub Investigation Skuzzi Port Bandia and more...Info: 3 rooms and Beer Garden (acustic music for early hours) Neutronyx, Acii Disco, Breakology, Human Music, Connected, Low Key presents 12 DJS, Live Bands, Performances, jugglers, Drummers....and the spir…Lieu: TRIPOD - Concert and Music Halls - 3 dancefloors ( Harcourt… Passé 16a 1m · 2 146 · Inscrit par Squee Photos0 People AfterLife 2008 Indoor Minifest - 21st November @ Tripod Dublin · Irlande ven., 21 nov. 08, 19:00 - sam., 22 nov., 03:30= 8h 30minIn- & Outdoor · Passé 16a 1m