Fête 25 - 26 déc. 15 · Indoor · Marghera, Italie Line-up: ♦ LINE UP ♦ Live> ASSIOMA [Looney moon rec.] Assioma is a psychedelic project started in 2007 in Spinea, a small town close to Venice, between two friends: Francesco (aka Prado) and Andrea (aka Cad…Lieu: Phobic Club Via della pila 103, 30175 Marghera, Veneto, Ital… Passé 9a 2m · 385 · Inscrit par BPM - Psy Station Photos0 People AFTERCHRIST Marghera · Italie · Carte ven., 25 déc. 15, 22:00 - sam., 26 déc., 11:00= 13hIndoor · Passé 9a 2m