Fête 3 - 4 déc. 17 · Open Air · Pokhara, Népal Line-up: ACTIVITIES SEQUENCE: * Temple visit * Visiting village and Knowing culture * Nataraja Dance Meditation * Kundalini Meditation * Sunset Laughing Meditation the mountain * Live Nepali Traditional Cla…Info: Full~m00n Gathering Eco Gathering is a festival of music, art, dance, Eco solutions and conscious living.a gathering of positive people hosted upon sustainable community space maintained for the educa…Lieu: 12 km from lakeside, Pokhara Eco Village Chapakot 4:30 Pm Lo… Passé 7a 3m · 413 · Inscrit par Eco Gathering Event management Photos0 People full moon Gathering Pokhara · Népal · Carte dim., 3 déc. 17, 10:30 - lun., 4 déc., 12:00= 1j 1hOpen Air · Passé 7a 3m