Fête 2 mai 17, 17:00 - 22:00 · In- & Outdoor · Kathmandu, Népal Line-up: Join us for the sunset party our resident djs would keep the vibes going on..entry is free and we start from 5pm till 10. The line up for the sunset would be Julien Ferrantes Hope to see you all..Lieu: Shamrock Irish Pub & Rooftop Cinema Kathmandu Paknajol Marg,… Passé 7a 10m · 120 · Inscrit par Vinayak Photos0 People Sunset party Feat. Djulienferrantes (Berlin, Germany) Kathmandu · Népal · Carte mar., 2 mai 17, 17:00 - 22:00= 5hIn- & Outdoor · Passé 7a 10m