Fête 22 - 23 avr. 17 · Indoor · Hamburg, Allemagne / 4 Line-up: PARVATI FLOOR: GUISEPPE (italy) ILSE (hamburg) MUSSY MOODY (denmark) ONKEL DUNKEL (denmark) RAMI & PHIL (real vision music, hamburg) ALPHA (interzone.pa/damaru rec.) mixcloud.com/alpha_interz…Info: "mushroom on tour" is doing another special in hamburg. this time on a ship, the MS STUBNITZ and the mushroom magazine is happy to announce a PARVATI LABEL NIGHT incl. a special RETRO GOATRA…Lieu: MS Stubnitz Umfahrung Versmannstraße HafenCity / Kirchenpaue… Passé 7a 10m · 2 991 · Inscrit par mashanti Photos0 People mushroom on tour - Parvati Label Night + retro floor :) Hamburg · Allemagne · Carte sam., 22 avr. 17, 22:00 - dim., 23 avr., 12:00= 14hIndoor · / 4 · Passé 7a 10m