Fête 10 - 11 mars 17 · Club · Rome, Italie Line-up: Ragazzi mi raccomando tesseratevi on line. E' gratis!!! Cosi'una volta arrivati al locale non ci saranno attese inutili all'ingresso!! Panàkeia Healthy Frequencies: The other side of psytrance! PROGR…Info: PANA'KEIA is the new the Psyprogressive night in Rome. Our aim is to explore an alternative approach to the Psychedelic Trance music, introducing the audience to the appeal of lower BPM. It doesn't ma…Lieu: Atelier Montez Via di Pietralata 147 Roma Passé 7a 11m · 1 275 · Inscrit par G(B)entley Photos0 People Panàkeia: Healthy Frequencies Rome · Italie · Carte ven., 10 mars 17, 22:30 - sam., 11 mars, 05:30= 7hClub · Passé 7a 11m