Fête 11 - 12 mars 16 · Indoor · Vilnius, Lituanie Line-up: 1 / A N A L O G . T E C H N O Techno-Electro, Acid Techno, Acid HardTek, Rave #Analog Synths' 80 #808 #RS-7000 #KORG #ESX1 #EMX1 — // HARDWARE LIVESETS: ALEXEI DE BRONHE…Info: On March 11th walls of post-soviet meat factory “Vilniaus mėsa” will be dedicated to test national creativity! This event is the unique chance to see and feel the “Acid” existence in music & Art. 6 mu…Lieu: PUBLIC TRANSPORT 8 20 24 25 28 51 Bus 4 6 12 13 15 18 Trolle… Passé 8a 11m · 540 · Inscrit par Reivas.lt Photos0 People Rūgštynės Vilnius · Lituanie · Carte ven., 11 mars 16, 22:00 - sam., 12 mars, 08:00= 10hIndoor · Passé 8a 11m