Fête 10 - 11 avr. 15 · Indoor · near Vienna (new Location), Autriche Line-up: LIVE: !!! FIRST TIME IN AUSTRIA !!! ► MAGIC SEEDS (MK) // Sonic Chakras Records / Real Vision Music DJs: ► TOMMES (AT) // Unisono ► SHAMANIAK (AT) // Banyan Records / Shipibo Sounds ► GLOBAL FREQUEN…Info: Our aim is to present you mind expanding events, mainly focused on the more dark, organic and deeper side of Psytrance. We always want to create a new experience for you and because of that, we are ve…Lieu: Rathauskeller Hauptplatz 39 2100 Korneuburg you can reach th… Passé 9a 10m · 2 218 · Inscrit par Shipibo Sounds Photos0 People Shipibo Sounds presents: UCAYALI near Vienna (new Location) · Autriche · Carte ven., 10 avr. 15, 22:00 - sam., 11 avr., 06:00= 8hIndoor · Passé 9a 10m