Fête 13 - 14 févr. 15 · Indoor · Bozen / Bolzano, Italie Line-up: Psyfactory meets Sarnarshourt Records on the Sidefloor: A psychedelic adventure from Progressive to FullOn - Psytrance to Dark: MASTERS OF CEREMONY: MOMBASA - Sarnarshourt Rec. BIOSPIN - Psyfactory /S…Info: A psychedelic adventure from Progressive to FullOn - Psytrance to Dark with the oldest South Tyrolean Psylable !!Lieu: Halle 28 - Schlachthofstraße 28 - Via Macello 28 - Bozen / B… Passé 10a 26j · 462 · Inscrit par Psyfactory Photos0 People Psyfactory meets Sarnarshourt Rec. - HALLE 28 -BZ Bozen / Bolzano · Italie · Carte ven., 13 févr. 15, 22:30 - sam., 14 févr., 04:00= 5h 30minIndoor · Passé 10a 26j