Fête 17 - 18 mai 14 · Open Air · Budapest, Hongrie Line-up: Major7 live act - First time in Hungary!!! (Iboga records) - Israel X-Noize live act (Nutek records) - Israel OXIDAKSI live act- First time in Hungary!!!(Kamino Records)-Israel ANCIENT CORE li…Dj KARMATRIX (Independent records) Israel DIPLOID (Iboga records) Israel Jirzij (Psybaba records) - (HUN) Oleg (Deepsmile) - (HUN) Hruscsov (Y-Production) - (HUN) Tsubi (BMSS Records/HumanTouch) -…Info: After 2008, 2011 and 2012 we are going to return to the old quarry in the heart of the old-hill in Tárnok for an unforgettable underground party. The people who has already been here will never forget…Lieu: Tárnok(Öreg hegy)-Kőfejtő Passé 10a 9m · 739 · Inscrit par Y-Production Photos0 People Y-Production&Psybaba records: Tárnok Katlan Underground party Budapest · Hongrie · Carte sam., 17 mai 14, 22:00 - dim., 18 mai, 12:00= 14hOpen Air · Passé 10a 9m