Fête 15 - 17 nov. 13 · Open Air · Dharamshala, Inde Line-up: Psychedelic gathering MAIN STAGE LIVE ACT Alien Spirit Records : Noël Gomes aka Psydragon( Portugal)www.facebook.com/djpsydragon SkaZzAK (Conjuring Spirits Tribe, Serbia) GoOse taNn (hthc lebanon ni…Info: Bhagsunath is a village located near Dharamsala. It is popular tourist spot with Hindu temple and springs with water pool. Nice waterfall is situated next to this village. Both Hindu tourists and West…Lieu: Near bhagsu nag waterfall Passé 11a 3m · 3 008 · Inscrit par Mohit Photos0 People SEROTONERGIC Dharamshala · Inde · Carte ven., 15 nov. 13, 22:00 - dim., 17 nov., 02:30= 1j 4hOpen Air · Passé 11a 3m