Fête 16 - 17 janv. 10 · Indoor · Vienna, Autriche / 7 Line-up: KALILASKOV AS (Nabi Records/Blitz Studios, RUS) FIRST TIME IN AUSTRIA!!! will blast our minds with a 3h LIVE Performance!!:D Striking like a drop of acid in a Virgin's brain, K.AS. ( Vadim C.)…MURUKHAN (Hippy Flip/Helicon Sound System Rec./Alice-D, swe) KAILASH (Alice-D/HippyFlip, ger) DJ PINOCIO (t.i.a. rec.-WoW prod., aut) LYSERG (LUCID CREW, aut) SOKRA (Bass Intoxication Innsbruck, aut) *…Info: and again into the dark :) Symbiosis, Maya's & Just an Ordinary Dude's Birthdaybash :) Chai by CHE.manfred chai, cake and fresh fruits :) Please NO Dogs NO Drugs! kindza @ lucid dreams 16.10.09…Lieu: Viper Room Landstrasser Hauptstraße 38 1030 Wien Passé 15a 1m · 8 058 · Inscrit par LySeRg Photos0 People *LUCID DREAMS* FROM DUSK TILL DAWN with KALILASKOV AS Vienna · Autriche · Carte sam., 16 janv. 10, 21:00 - dim., 17 janv., 06:00= 9hIndoor · / 7 · Passé 15a 1m