Fête 6 - 7 déc. 08 · Indoor · , Belgique CANCELED Line-up: * PZYKO (Skitzophrenik Lifeform Records/Belgium) ... **more to be confirmed*** AZIDAX vs MAKKURA (Skitzophrenik Lifeform Records/Belgium) * YATA-GARASU vs NARCOSMIX (Skitzophrenik Lifeform Records/Belgium) * MUTARO (Skitzophrenik Lifeform Records/Germany) ... **more to be conf…Info: GATHERING INFO : * Opening of the gathering : 22h. - End : ? * There will be an cd-shop (Recycled Records) * There will be NO pets, drugs, -18j. tolerated * The location will not be announced on the… Passé 16a 3m · 4 066 · Inscrit par Pzyko Photos0 People 2 YEARS OF SKITZOPHRENIK LIFEFORM RECORDS · Belgique sam., 6 déc. 08, 22:00 - dim., 7 déc., 12:00= 14hIndoor · CANCELED · Passé 16a 3m