Fête 18 - 19 oct. 14 · Indoor · Cerdanyola Del Vallès (Barcelona), Espagne Line-up: ૐ Goa & PsyTrance Room ૐ BOOM SHANKAR [¡¡SPECIAL 3H SET!!] (BMSS Records / Transition / S.U.N. Festival) Germany BAHR MIMESIS (Mimesis) Barcelona CELS MIMESIS (Mimesis) Barcelona CÉSAR MIMESIS (Mimesi…Info: We're from Mimesis, a young decoration collective from Barcelona (Catalonia - Spain) very actives in the local scene. That summer we're very busy outside Catalonia decorating the mainstages of Connect…Lieu: MAMA MANDAWA Carrer de Can Mitjans 4, Cerdanyola Del Vallès… Passé 10a 4m · 1 501 · Inscrit par Mimesis Photos0 People 1st TRIP TO MIMESIA!! <¡¡The most decorated one-night event you ever seen!!> Cerdanyola Del Vallès (Barc… · Espagne · Carte sam., 18 oct. 14, 22:00 - dim., 19 oct., 06:30= 8h 30minIndoor · Passé 10a 4m