Fête 1 - 2 avr. 23 · Club · Zürich, Suisse Line-up: ⦿ LINEUP ⦿ ⋆ Outsiders, ISR ⋆ Confo, GR ⋆ Psynonima, SP ⋆ 3-p Rate, FR ⋆ Art Materials, CH ⋆ Drakkar, CH ⋆ Zatzak, PT ⋆ P.A.D.O.R.R.A, CH ⦿ DECO & VISUALS ⦿ ⋆ Anonymous Substances, FrInfo: FREE THIS EARTH It's a collaboration project, between Psychedelic Stars and Free Earth Festival. We will open the doors of our magical world, for 13h non-stop! Free Earth Festival happens in Greece, o…Lieu: Komplex 457, Hohlstrasse 457, 8048 Zürich Passé 1a 11m · 338 · Inscrit par HardBlazed Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People FREE THIS EARTH Zürich · Suisse · Carte sam., 1 avr. 23, 23:00 - dim., 2 avr., 12:00= 13hClub · Passé 1a 11m