Fête 9 - 10 sept. 20 · Indoor · Kampot, Cambodge Line-up: 💎 KAVALKADE (Isdoctor | France) 💎 PACK (Crystal Kids | Turkey) 🎧 🌐 💎 FUGUI (World people prod label | China) 🎧 🌐 💎 RN2 (DistroKid | Turkey) 🎧 🌐Info: After an amazing night last month, we thought that would be an ideal plan to come together again! See you all on the dance floor 💜 - Participants are responsible from their own health and safety regar…Lieu: Kenny's Corner Sandaek, Cambodia Passé 4a 6m · 293 · Inscrit par CRYSTAL KIDS Photos0 Réunion0 People Crystal Kids Night Cambodia Vol.II Kampot · Cambodge · Carte mer., 9 sept. 20, 22:00 - jeu., 10 sept., 06:30= 8h 30minIndoor · Passé 4a 6m