Nouveautés de Goabase

25 oct. 11 ·

Less is more

Some of the new features which have been added constantly are not helping the goabase to attain a clearer layout. They have now been moved and/or can be activated by "1 click".
The right row has received an optical trim, the frames have been removed and a small optical clean-up has been carried out.

If you wish to receive information about new party photos, reports, etc., then just click on the link "All Party News". The familiar list of all new party entries will then be pop-up. The list has changed a little bit, for example the name of the country will now appear when moving the cursor across the party name.

The same applies for the right row under "More Details" (for members only) where the friends list can now be viewed, together with party timer and other members information.

The Shoutbox (technically out of date) has been removed from the right row and can now be accessed through the menu "Shoutbox and Chat", only.

Information about the "Worldtimes" moved out of the left menu to the bottom of the page.

The number of profile comments is no longer being shown, instead information about new comments can be viewed through "Latest Postings" (next to your profile image).

The calendar and style-cloud will appear when the party search option has been activated. The options will remain open – until your deactivation (or your session ends).