Fête 30 avr. - 2 mai 04 · Festival · Plzen, Tchéquie Line-up: Mutant Star (CZ)ShaMane (Headroom Productions/DE) Bongo, Mabeat, Kwieq (Hallabanaha.org/PL) Rollobaba (Tatrance/SK) Vitamin (Pan:Dan) Astral Moveo, MP, Martyrium, Prenatal, PsyriX, Searcher (HedoniX) Kamasutra Djs Ra…Info: The weekend openair festival on the river island in the West Bohemia begins on Friday with the Bonfire ignition in order to protect our Witches. Following on Saturday by celebration of May 1.st - Love…Lieu: The island on Uhlava river near Prichovice (Plzen/Pilsen - s… Passé 20a 9m · 2 121 · Inscrit par Prenatal Photos0 People WITCHES ISLAND Plzen · Tchéquie ven., 30 avr. 04, 18:00 - dim., 2 mai, 16:00= 1j 22hFestival · Passé 20a 9m