Fête 5 - 7 sept. 14 · Festival · Rajka / Spirit Base Island, Autriche Line-up: Live Sensifeel (ONE FEEL MUSIC) France .... Z-Cat (Mind Rec.) Russia ....…dj sets by Sensifeel (Blue Tunes Records) France .... Z-Cat (Mind Rec.) Russia .....…Info: Shuttle Bus The first busshuttel will be at Friday 8 in the morning, the price is 5€ per ride. This time the shuttel will pick you up from Heygeshalom because oft the better trainservices than to Rajk…Lieu: 9224 Rajka / Hungary (Rajka Island) GPS Koordinaten: N 48° 0… Passé 10a 6m · 8 398 · Inscrit par SPIRIT BASE Photos0 People Psy Island 2014 Rajka / Spirit Base Island · Autriche ven., 5 sept. 14, 18:00 - dim., 7 sept., 20:00= 2j 2hFestival · Passé 10a 6m