Fête 18 - 28 août 17 · Festival · Thermo-Kato Dosoula-Kareli, Grèce Line-up: Live acts A-TECH-"Psymagicminds (Portugal) A.K.D-Soulectro Music (israel) ARJUNA-Parvati rec. (Italy) ARCHAIC-Parvati rec.(Greece) AVARIS-Spaceradio rec. (Greece) ATRIOHM-Parvati rec.(Skopje…Info: The “fifth” element of the Nature may be coming from each person individually, but only if we combine our own elements can it be realizable. The “fifth element” is merely what we call PEACE, LOVE, UNI…Lieu: The Festival will take place along the following three villa… Passé 7a 5m · 11 563 · Inscrit par PLUR FESTIVAL Photos0 People PLUR Festival 2017 ''The Fifth Element Exploration'' Thermo-Kato Dosoula-Kareli · Grèce ven., 18 août 17, 22:00 - lun., 28 août, 12:00= 9j 14hFestival · Passé 7a 5m