Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Fête 12 - 14 août 05 · Festival · in the MOUNTAINS !, Suisse Line-up: probably myself...beginner and non-professionals are invited to come and present there unfinished stuff...we can make a PSY-JAM-SESSION !various artistsLieu: 2.100 meters altitude in the swiss alps. Details will be giv… Passé 19a 6m · 3 515 · Inscrit par Don Filzli Photos0 People NGC6960 - The Witch's Broom Nebula in Cygnus in the MOUNTAINS ! · Suisse ven., 12 août 05, 17:00 - dim., 14 août, 17:00= 2jFestival · Passé 19a 6m