Fête 29 juin - 1 juil. 07 · Festival · Tolentino, Marche, Italie Line-up: VENERDI: ORESTIS ( Tantrumm rec.) Greece BIOGRAPHY He was born in Athens, Greece (1980). His first musical experiences was in metal / gothic / and hardcore sounds. Psychedelic scene has come in to my…--- >>>>>>>> GREAT PARTY <<<<<<<< ---- 10 KW TURBO SOUND SISTEM VENERDI' : Paolino Goanmantra ( Goanmantra rec. ) Italia / India BIOGRAPH…Info: LEGAL PARTY . 2 GG di musica....GREAT PARTY !! Purtroppo ci sono stati dei problemi con le autorità locali per il ritrovamento di sostanze ed altro a terra.... quindi i permessi saranno fino alle 6.30…Lieu: Dietro le mura di 1 bellissimo storico castello ... Tolentin… Passé 17a 8m · 6 049 · Inscrit par caotiK Syndrom3 Photos0 People !! LYSERGIK STORM !! EPISODE 2 Tolentino, Marche · Italie ven., 29 juin 07, 23:30 - dim., 1 juil., 12:00= 1j 12hFestival · Passé 17a 8m