Fête 10 - 13 févr. 22 · Festival · Glorinha, Brésil Line-up: Elowinz - Luuli - Luuli vs Mirror | Me - Necropsycho - Mirror | Me - Setu Ketu Anthropus - Arkanatron - Black Mandala - Chaostrophob - Damru - Dark Matter - Diego Ramos - Evilporks - Fractal Rider - J…Info: Our first meeting was two years ago... A process of renewal and reflection began across the planet and after this long wait, our next meeting is approaching to celebrate the evolution that our society…Lieu: Sítio Paim Centeno Passé 3a 28j · 1 016 · Inscrit par Bruno Photos0 Réunion0 People Kodama Festival 2022 Glorinha · Brésil · Carte jeu., 10 févr. 22, 17:00 - dim., 13 févr., 23:30= 3j 6hFestival · Passé 3a 28j