Fête 29 juil. - 1 août 05 · Festival · Electronic- Rockmusic- Event, Allemagne / 10 Line-up: TICON / (digital structures) / sweden C:O:N SEQUENCER / (jumjam rec.) / germany XIBALBA / (yello sunshine exp. S.O.E.) / mexico CHROMOSOME / (millenium rec.) / sweden GENETIC SPIN / (nervine rec.) / d…PETER DIDJITAL / (digitalstructures) / sweden MONTAGU & GOLKONDA / (midijum rec.) / germany SHANKARA PROJECT / (solarsiv rec.) / italy PANORAMIXX / (picircus) / greece MIRACULIX / (millenium rec.) / g…Info: We make for you a big party for a small price in this year. Guests from australia, asia, afrika, south- and northamerika have free entry. We build a UFO- Airport for our extraterrestric visitors. From…Lieu: An der Hechtsforthschleuse/ 19300 Grabow Mecklenburg/Vorpomm… Passé 19a 7m · 10 904 · Inscrit par Püppi Photos0 People :In:deep:an:dance: Electronic- Rockmusic- Even… · Allemagne ven., 29 juil. 05, 22:00 - lun., 1 août, 05:00= 2j 7hFestival · / 10 · Passé 19a 7m