Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Connexion des membres Fête 29 - 31 août 08 · Festival · South Ita/Piano della Nevena/Picerno/PZ, Italie Line-up: Near the fire will be some Djambé / Didgeridoo / clavas for public use keng~ [elettroacustic / ambient-dub / etnodub] - Didgeridoo / Djambé / laptop live actkeng~ [Dub - Future Dub - Dubstep - Darkpsy - IDM] Vertiqual Redrom [Darkpsy] D-rix [Darkpsy - minimal] Deep K [electro - Techno] Glow (tbc) [Darkpsy - Full On] Vito [hrd tech - happy core] Kat (tbc)…Info: !!!PAY ATTENTION!!! if it will rain tonight the party will be shortned of an half day and it will start tomorrow morning (30 aug) - please contact hotline for updates Please Respect Nature And People…Lieu: South Italy - Basilicata - Piano della Nevena - Picerno - Po… Passé 16a 6m · 1 240 · Inscrit par keng~ Photos0 People ~....In Da Mountain....~ South Ita/Piano della Neven… · Italie ven., 29 août 08, 23:30 - dim., 31 août, 15:30= 1j 16hFestival · Passé 16a 6m