Fête 29 août - 6 sept. 22 · Festival · Athens, Grèce Line-up: Live sets:⬇️⬇️⬇️ -AlpsCore 2h (Alice D Records), -Aum Sector 2h (Darknox records) -ApeTech 2h (Knobs and keys records) -Audiokid Napping 3h -Biomekanik 3h (Quintessence Records) -Dark Whisper 3,5h (Al…Info: Welcome to Hesperus gathering, a trip to the mountains in a secret location will bring us all together, family, friends and travellers from all over the world! Memories will be created with new and o…Lieu: Athens Athens - exact location is 270klm from Athens, , Pili… Passé 2a 4m · 8 171 · Inscrit par Hesperus Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Hesperus Gathering Vol.2 Athens · Grèce lun., 29 août 22, 17:00 - mar., 6 sept., 12:00= 7j 19hFestival · Passé 2a 4m