Fête 27 - 29 avr. 12 · Festival · Pokhara , Népal Line-up: Shx LiveAct Tribal Mutant RecordsGanesh Nelio IntheMix PSYCHOGENESIS (UNIVERSAL DANCE RECORDS / PSYLEB) psypresshill Kagemusha Yoshikai Chill out / Ambient Cosmicknox ( black mandala Records ) Psychedelic Dark / Forest Trance /…Info: 27-29 April 2012 Freedom Gathering Nepal . We invited musicians, artists and Djs from all around the world, many classical Indian music performers, as well as traditional and modern Nepali music perfo…Lieu: Near Pokhara Passé 12a 9m · 2 454 · Inscrit par Freedom Fun Photos0 People Freedom Gathering Nepal Pokhara · Népal ven., 27 avr. 12, 14:00 - dim., 29 avr., 11:00= 1j 21hFestival · Passé 12a 9m