Fête 5 - 7 juin 20 · Festival · Bali, Indonésie Line-up: LINEUP OF ARTISTES & PERFORMERS Dj Astray - Bionicpiesounds, Germany Dj Danu - DFP, Bali Dj Cristrance - Antu Records, Chile Dj Degupjagad - Psilo, Jakarta Dj Gerry - DFP, Singapore Dj Ham Abstract -…Info: Dawn is the creative union of light and earth’s horizon. If you are attune to this simple daily connection, then you have realized it is an awakening of all life on earth. Every species on our planet…Lieu: THE VENUE Accommodations for all budgets are available about… Passé 4a 8m · 945 · Inscrit par Gerry Rapports0 Photos0 Réunion0 People Dance For Peace Festival Bali · Indonésie · Carte ven., 5 juin 20, 12:00 - dim., 7 juin, 12:00= 2jFestival · Passé 4a 8m