Fête 27 oct. - 1 nov. 11 · Festival · Bali Bedugul Waterfalls (Sacred place), Indonésie Line-up: Osman (Blue Hour Sounds and Aclahayr rec) Russia Kunal (Dat rec) Sing-India baba D.. (GlowingFlame rec.) Bel Gerry Singapore Cosmic Sun Siberia Eyesurprise Germany Nadji (Moonwalkers) France Nathalya…Info: Its something unique....the Gods invited All to their Sacred Garden!!! 27, First day Sita-Ram full power Bali Trance ceremony!!! 28, Aware-Sharing =:food for the Brain, workshops, updates, evolution p…Lieu: Bali Sacred Garden from the Gods, with waterfalls! Sita and… Passé 13a 3m · 2 458 · Inscrit par Baba D.. Photos0 People Bali SitaRam Festival Bali Bedugul Waterfalls (Sa… · Indonésie jeu., 27 oct. 11, 15:00 - mar., 1 nov., 11:00= 4j 21hFestival · Passé 13a 3m