Fête 7 - 9 août 09 · Festival · Sun island - Titi Kaka Lake - La Paz, Bolivie Line-up: MetzAnima (Cytopia rec.) Deep South - (Neurotrance Rec.) Jash – (Andeantribe /Spyral) Daft Noise (Neurotrance Records)Special Guest : DJ Vinnix (Free-Spirits Rec. UK / Antu Records / Festival Fora doTempo) – BRASIL His style of music is underground psychedelic trance with hypnotic atmospheres, funky and groove rh…Info: INFO: Lugar: Isla del Sol, Lago Titicaca LA PAZ – BOLIVIA Lugar del festival: Challapampa – parte norte. Altura del pueblo: 12555 msnm. Población estimada: 2325. Temperaturas en Agosto: Max. 12°C / 54…Lieu: Sun island, Titi Kaka Lake, La Paz - Boliva Passé 15a 7m · 4 406 · Inscrit par Andean dj Photos0 People Andean Trance Festival Sun island - Titi Kaka Lake… · Bolivie ven., 7 août 09, 14:00 - dim., 9 août, 12:00= 1j 22hFestival · Passé 15a 7m