Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Fête 8 - 11 févr. 13 · Festival · Nelson, Nouvelle-Zélande Line-up: GROUCH (Zenon Records) (ISRL) HYPOGEO (Zenon Records) (ITLY) ANX (Voidscope Records) (ITLY) MERKABA (Merkaba Music) (AUS) KALYA SCINTILLA (Merkaba Music) (AUS) FUNKADELICSY LIVELY (Akashik Records) (A…MATHE (Chldrn of Ganesh) (HLND) MARKY J (Soundfood) (AUS) CHARLIE FRAICHE (BEL) SALAMANGKERO (AUS) SPACE LICHENS (IRLD) HERMAN SAIZ (CHLE) DR. I CONCERN (SAF) SOYTRANCE (AUS) KEYAPUKA (FRNC) AMPOULE (…Info: Celebrating the Kiwi doof culture, Alien Nation is a unique festival that opens new dimensions of the mind, allowing you to see, hear and feel the new electronic tribal rhythms created by New Zealand,…Lieu: Wairoa Gorge, Nelson, New Zealand Passé 12a 1m · 1 977 · Inscrit par Alien Nation Photos0 People Alien Nation Nelson · Nouvelle-Zélande ven., 8 févr. 13, 14:00 - lun., 11 févr., 16:00= 3j 2hFestival · Passé 12a 1m