Fête 24 - 27 juil. 12 · Festival · Sierra de Gata, Espagne CANCELED Line-up: PROZAC - Universal Dance Records LaH NaRRaD (T.o.t.r / gliece581c record, eire).Daring Amare (Cosmic Evolution Rec/ France) http:// soundcloud.com/daringamare Chaos Ztorm DJ Rascal (Hyper Soundsystem/U.K) BAUMANN electronics (Barcelona, ES) Music 4 the head (Barcelona, ES)…Info: After the success of our last event, and due to popular demand, we are back again to present our Second, non-profit Chapter. We have located and reserved a NEW venue for this year's event, going "…Lieu: WE ARE BETWEEN "SOL" (CANCELLED!!) AND "BOOM&… Passé 12a 7m · 5 468 · Inscrit par Aftersun Photos0 People AFTERSUN FREAK PARTY CHAPTER 2 Sierra de Gata · Espagne mar., 24 juil. 12, 12:00 - ven., 27 juil., 23:30= 3j 11hFestival · CANCELED · Passé 12a 7m