Sorry, you have accessed a page that is only accessible to members.Click here to go to the Member Login Party 8 - 11 Jul 05 · Festival · Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Germany / 12 Line Up: CPU 3d vision / ibiza PLANET BEN planet ben rec / germany XIBALBA sounds of earth / yse rec / mexico RINKADINK alchemy rec / south africa ANTIX iboga rec / australia HALDOLIUM plusquam rec / germany L…DINO PSARAS chemical crew / uk SABAI SABAI thailand MAGICAL planet ben rec / germany RYO solistic music / japan STARSKY sinn-tec rec / germany ANTARO spirit zone rec / ibiza SASCHA plusquam rec / germ…Info: 2 Dancefloors plus Chillout Floor Fireworks - Video Projections by Fireforce Fire Performance & Fire Show infos, shop info: mushroom hotline: 01805-68747666 shuttle service train connection: nearest t…Location: location Glaisin / Germany (Mecklenburg Vorpommern) Highway… Over: 19y 8m · 9,850 · Added by velv Photos0 People TSHITRAKA PROJECT OPEN AIR FESTIVAL 2005 line up online Mecklenburg Vorpommern · Germany Fri, 8 Jul 05, 22:00 - Mon, 11 Jul, 19:30= 2d 21hFestival · / 12 · Over: 19y 8m