Party 6 abr 13, 21:00 - 21:00 · Indoor · Amsterdam, Países Bajos Line Up: Zik (zik-world) GR live act Paul Karma (zourlia division, zik-world) GR live act ----First time in Holland---- Spagettibrain (Lonely Planet, zik-world) GR live act ----First time in Hol…TIME TABLE: 21:00 - 23:00 - Spagetti Brain -live 23:00 - 01:00 - Mind Oscillation -live 01:00 - 03:00 - Zik -live 03:00 - End - Paul Karma -liveInfo: Funktion-One Soundsystem for maximum quality!! fUCK CRISIS Lets dance! Use-full info and links: Cheap ways to come Brussels, Berlin, Eindhoven..and then train or bus cost around 30 euro.. *Total…Location: Danzigerkade 8, 1013 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands Termina: 11a 11m · 2.559 · Apuntado de mentorUs Fotos0 Gente Zik World and mentorUs Team Presents-Sounds of Future Amsterdam · Países Bajos sáb, 6 abr 13, 21:00 - 21:00= ahoraIndoor · Termina: 11a 11m