Party 10 - 11 ene 15 · Indoor · Tampa, Estados Unidos Line Up: ZFG Welcomes You to The Matrlx! RE:CODED (The Architect told us to go back to the drawing board!) The place is here, the time is now! After a brief but much needed cryogenic sleep; we return to bring…Info: Cooperation... 'There Is No Spoon' - here's a few additional "No's" No red pills. No blue pills. No kung fu. No bullets or dodging bullets. No jumping off…Location: Contact ZFG for Location Termina: 9a 11m · 373 · Apuntado de krikett Fotos0 Gente ZFG Presents /// The MATRlX : ReCoded Tampa · Estados Unidos sáb, 10 ene 15, 23:00 - dom, 11 ene, 07:00= 8hIndoor · Termina: 9a 11m